CNC Workshop
Framing Objects
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Fabrication Instructors: Tsz Yan Ng (coordinator), Mick Kennedy, Mark Meier, and Jonathan Rule, GSI: Gabrielle Clune
CNC Workshop Instructor: Gabrielle Clune
This workshop will introduce students to the 3-axisCNC router through design and fabrication of a frame for holding object(s). Students will develop a facility for designing with fabrication in mind, understanding the tool capacities and strategies for making with the 3-axis CNC router. Prototyped parts will be assembled creating 3D frames using 2D cutting operations. Students will learn the workflow for proper 3D modeling and file management for CNC routing. The designed parts are to be cut from plywood and assembled after some typical hand finishing work.
This workshop will touch on construction and fabrication challenges such as tolerances, material properties, and assembly through a short design-based project in which students will create a frame/holder for specific domestic object(s). While design work will address how best to cradle the objects in question, the making of the frame/holder will be the final deliverable. Students will investigate the relationships between digital design with physical making using CNC technology. This workshop will be taught remotely over Zoom with occasional in person work at the Fabrication Lab.
Joy Zou
Noelle Ridley
Qian Li + Victoria Wong
Celia Olsen
Autumn Bender + Allison Stamm + Malachi Mosley
Ellis Wills-Begley
Elizabeth Sinawe
Eliud Celis + Jacob Nure